[내츄럴 팩터스] 오레가노 오일
Natural Factors Oregano Oil 30ml
오레가노 오일은 적어도 55%의 카바크롤을 함유하고 있습니다. 카바크롤은 지중해에서 자라는 천연 유전자 변형하지 않는 식물인 오레가노의 오일에 들어있는 가장 많이 연구되고 있는 강력한 성분입니다. 카바크롤은 천연 페놀의 한 종류로 강력한 항균과 살균활동을 갖고 있습니다. 오레가노 오일에는 또한 알코올, 에스테르, 테프론도 함유하며 이 네가지 성분들이 오레가노 오일을 항 바이러스, 항 곰팡이, 항 박테리아 그리고 항산화 성질을 갖게 합니다.
오레가노 오일속의 카바크롤리 페니실린, 스트렙토마이신 그리고 심지어 벤코마이신(가장 강력한 항생제) 보다 더 강력한 것으로 알려져 왔습니다. 의학품인 항생제와는 달리 오레가노 오일은 내성을 일으키는 변종 박테리아를 만들지 않습니다. 자연스럽고 효과적으로 병원균을 없애주어 번식하지 못하도록 합니다.
**복용방법: 1일 4방울씩 혀 아래에 떨어뜨려 복용. 입안에 열감이 있을 수 있으나 정상적인 현상임. *눈에 들어가지 않도록 주의.
Feature summary
parasitic infections. It offers powerful antioxidant protection and immune system support, and helps
relieve various respiratory conditions. Natural Factors Organic Oil of Oregano is derived from wild-crafted Origanum vulgare using gentle steam distillation to ensure purity.
Main selling features
- Hand harvested and wild crafted
- Certified organic Origanum vulgare
- Uses the whole herb to maximize the synergistic effects
- Gently steam-distilled for maximum purity and potency
- Carvacrol guaranteed at an optimal concentration of 80%
- Blended in a 1:4 ratio with organic cold-pressed, extra-virgin olive oil, for improved absorption
How it works
Lab studies have proven oil of oregano’s capacity to inhibit the growth of, and kill, harmful pathogens. It has the ability to penetrate cell membranes and disrupt their integrity. The increased permeability, or “leaky” quality of the bacterial cell wall causes fluid to seep out, leading to cellular death. This ability to damage bacteria is common to the whole plant, as well as its active constituents, carvacrol and thymol. Oil of oregano also lowers the pH inside the bacteria, creating acidic conditions that inhibit metabolism and reproduction. Oil of oregano also works by boosting levels of white blood cells that fight off infection, such as cytotoxic and helper T-cells.
The anti-inflammatory effects of oil of oregano are due to rosmarinic acid, an active constituent that decreases the number of neutrophils (white blood cells that rush to a site and cause an inflammatory reaction) and eosinophils (white blood cells that produce harmful oxidative substances such as free radicals).
As an antioxidant, oil of oregano increases the activity and concentration of other antioxidants, and protects against cancer by preventing the growth of cancer cells at the DNA level. One of the main causes of coronary heart disease is oxidative damage; oil of oregano helps prevent heart disease by regulating the inappropriate oxidation of LDL (“bad”) cholesterol.
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