[썬워리어] 블렌드 고품질 식물성 단백질 바닐라 맛
Sun Warrior Blend Raw Vegan – Vanilla 750g
부드럽고 뛰어난맛의 고품질 식물성 단백질
아르기닌, 라이신 , 류신 과 분자사슬 아미노산등이 풍부하게 들어있습니다.
● 섭취방법 :
1 스쿱 을 240ml 의 물이나 아몬드유, 코코넛우유 등 선호하시는 음료와 잘 섞어 드세요. (스무디등으로 만들어 섭취도 가능합니다) .
● 보관방법 : 뚜껑이 쉽게 열리지않도록 닫아놓으시고 어린이 손이 닿지않는서늘하고 건조한곳에 보관하세요
●본 제품은 건강보조식품이며 의약품이 아닙니다. 의사처방,처방전을 복용중 또는 임신,수유중이시라면 섭취전 담당의사분과 상담하세요.
Warrior Blend is the perfect protein combination for building muscle, managing weight, curbing appetite, raising metabolism and blowing the roof off your energy levels!! – All while improving your overall health. But most important – IT TASTES GREAT!
Research has shown that it is beneficial to alternate protein sources. We recommend you get maximum performance from your proteins by alternating our Raw Vegan Rice Protein with our new WARRIOR BLEND. You will be treating yourself and your tribe to all the health benefits that both fine products offer!
WARRIOR BLEND is green, plastic-free, hypo-allergenic, and suitable for any diet or lifestyle (NOT JUST FOR VEGANS)!
Certified kosher (Rabbin Frankforter), Certified Halal (Ligue Islamique du Nord)
Low calorie , low fat , vegetarian , vegan , kosher , organic , raw food , gmo free , dairy free , gluten free , wheat free , sugar free , lactose free , egg free , contains organic , biodegradable , no irradiation , fair trade
Item Size:
1 kg/ 35.2 oz/ 2.2 lbs
Ingredients: Sunwarrior Proprietary Protein Blend (Raw Pea Protein, Raw Cranberry Protein, Raw Hemp Protein), Gum Blend (Fenugreek Gum, Konjac Gum, Guar Gum), Natural Flavor, Stevia Extract, Medium Chain Triglycerides.
WARRIOR BLEND is green, plastic-free, hypo-allergenic, and suitable for any diet or lifestyle (NOT JUST FOR VEGANS)!
Certified kosher (Rabbin Frankforter), Certified Halal (Ligue Islamique du Nord)
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