[내츄럴 팩터스] 블루리치 유기농 블루베리
Natural Factors Organic BlueRich Blueberry Concentrate 500mg 180 softgels
항산화작용이 뛰어난 안토시아닌 성분이 풍부한 블루베리!
유기농 블루베리 36:1 비율로 농축된 제품입니다.
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●섭취방법: 1-3정씩 하루 3번 섭취하세요.
●보관방법 : 뚜껑이 쉽게 열리지않도록 닫아놓으시고 어린이 손이 닿지않는 서늘하고 건조한곳에 보관하세요.
●본 제품은 건강보조식품이며 의약품이 아닙니다. 의사처방,처방전을 복용중 또는 임신,수유중이시라면 섭취전 담당의사분과 상담후 섭취를 권장합니다.
●보관방법 : 뚜껑이 쉽게 열리지않도록 닫아놓으시고 어린이 손이 닿지않는 서늘하고 건조한곳에 보관하세요.
●본 제품은 건강보조식품이며 의약품이 아닙니다. 의사처방,처방전을 복용중 또는 임신,수유중이시라면 섭취전 담당의사분과 상담후 섭취를 권장합니다.
This potent antioxidant super concentrate supports vision and improves blood glucose levels. Blueberry anthocyanins are excellent free radical fighters and blueberries are known for their many health benefits. This 36 to 1 extract provides 36 times the antioxidant power of fresh berries. Eye health, circulation and memory can all be enhanced with BlueRich, as well as reducing risk of the complications of blood sugar disorders.
Blueberry anthocyanins increase capillary integrity, inhibit free radical damage and improve the tone of the vascular system to stimulate better blood flow. This can help prevent diabetic neuropathy which causes eye, kidney and nerve damage.
Blueberry anthocyanins increase capillary integrity, inhibit free radical damage and improve the tone of the vascular system to stimulate better blood flow. This can help prevent diabetic neuropathy which causes eye, kidney and nerve damage.
Natural Factors BlueRich Super Strength Blueberry Concentrate has all the anthocyanin-power of fresh-picked blueberries. This extract is ideal for those who want the superior antioxidant power of blueberries, but find it inconvenient to eat handfuls of them everyday. Convenient blueberry con- centrate softgels are easy to carry if you are at work or when eating out.
Each 500 mg softgel of BlueRich Super Strength Blueberry Concentrate contains non-GMO (genetically-modified) blueberry in a 36:1 (36 grams of blue- berry equal one gram of concentrate) concentration, standardized to 2.5 % anthocyanins, with no pesticide or herbicide contamination.
The minimum ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) unit value of BlueRich blueberry concentrate is 150 units per gram, with most samples testing much higher (even up to a 250 ORAC unit value).
* Slows cognitive decline
* Lowers cholesterol
* Lowers high blood pressure
* May prevent certain cancers. In test tube studies anthocyanins have been shown to have anticancer properties, particularly against breast and cervical cancer cells.
* Prevents urinary tract infections, similar to the benefits of cranberry
* Delays the effects of aging
* Lowers cholesterol
* Lowers high blood pressure
* May prevent certain cancers. In test tube studies anthocyanins have been shown to have anticancer properties, particularly against breast and cervical cancer cells.
* Prevents urinary tract infections, similar to the benefits of cranberry
* Delays the effects of aging
Each softgel contains:
BlueRich® blueberry concentrate 36:1 (Vaccinium corymbosum) (fruit)………500 mg
(Standardized to 2.5% anthocyanins)
BlueRich® blueberry concentrate 36:1 (Vaccinium corymbosum) (fruit)………500 mg
(Standardized to 2.5% anthocyanins)
3 softgels, 3 times daily or as directed by a health care practitioner. Keep out of the reach of children.
3 softgels, 3 times daily or as directed by a health care practitioner. Keep out of the reach of children.
* Those using anticoagulants like warfarin or antiplatelet aggregating drugs like Plavix should use blueberry with caution.
* Consult a health care practitioner prior to use.
* Consult a health care practitioner prior to use.
Children: Considered safe for children.
Pregnancy and Nursing: Blueberries are considered safe during pregnancy and lactation. If there are concerns, consult with a health care practitioner.
Seniors: No special precautions known.
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