[오가니카] 유기농 마카 파우더 400g Organika Organic Gelatinized Maca Powder

Maca helps to balance the effects of major hormones like testosterone, estrogen and progesterone. Gelatinized for less starch, better digestion and easy absorption. - 갱년기 장애, 생리 불순, 생리통 등 여성 질환에 효과 - 정력 증강 및 스태미너 강화 - 두뇌 및 기억력 강화 - 성기능향상, 건강증진 -불임증에 효과


  • Known as Peruvian Ginseng, Maca Powder supports healthy bone structure, stress levels and increased energy.
  • Balances mood and emotional state during menopause.
  • Supports physical and emotional aspects of sexual health.

[제뉴인헬스] 조인트 케어(빠른 관절케어) Genuine Health fast joint care+ 60 Caps

[제뉴인헬스] 빠른 관절케어(관절건강)  Genuine Health fast joint care+ 60 Caps
빠르고 효과적으로 관절통증과 뻣뻣함을 자연적으로 완화시켜 줍니다. - 5일정도 기간안에 빠르게 통증을 완화시켜줍니다. - 관절건강을 지속,개선해주며 관절 연골 형성에 도움을 줍니다. - 관절의 유연성과 움직임을 증가시켜 주고 염증을 눈에띄에 줄여줍니다. - 매일 1정씩 섭취해줍으로써 관절의 건강을 지켜주십시요. **복용법: 매일 1정씩 복용하십시요.

[나카] 유릭 클린즈 60정 [Naka] Uric Cleanse 60 vegie caps


Take 1 capsule three times daily with each meal or as directed by a professional. Contains no artificial preservatives, colours, dairy, sweeteners, starch, wheat or yeast.

통풍 관리에 도움

[나카] 밀크티슬 110정 [Naka] Mariendistel 110 capsules

Helps to maintain a healthy liver function* One bottle will last approximately 5 weeks. Milk thistle is a plant that is native to Europe. It has been used in traditional folk herbalism in Europe for thousands of years for a variety of ailments such as, liver, bile ducts and gallbladder.* One of the active ingredients found in milk thistle is silymarin, which is an extract of the milk thistle seed. Milk thistle helps to maintain healthy liver function.* It is one of the best selling and convenient milk thistle supplement in today's market. SUGGESTED USE:Take one (1) capsule 3 times daily with a meal. OTHER INGREDIENTS: Magnesium stearate (vegetable source), Gelatin (capsules ingredient- BSE free, Bovine source, Halal certified). Contains no added gluten, nuts, eggs, dairy products, fish or shellfish, soy, corn, wheat or yeast. DURATION OF USE: For prolonged use, consult a health care practitioner. *This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease

[뉴트리돔] 모링가 4배 고농축 120정 [Nutridom] Moringa 4x Concentrated 120 Vegetable Capsules

시금치보다 3배 많은 철분 및 칼슘, 칼륨, 단백질, 비타민C, A와 강력한 항산화 물질을 포함하고 있는 모링가는 Siddha약, Ayurvedic 전통약을 포함한 여러 민간약에 사용되었습니다. 현재는 다른 잠재적인 영양소와 식물 화학 물질에 대한 활발한 연구가 진행중입니다. 모링가는 영양소가 풍부하기 때문에 많은 연구원와 의사가 에너지 향상을 위해 권장합니다.

[바이오 펜] 바이오 펜 플러스 포 우먼(여성용) 730mg 60정 [Bio-Fen] Bio-Fen Plus for Women 730mg 60 capsules

How long must I use Bio-Fen Plus for Women? Bio-Fen Plus for Women® capsules are usually effective at stopping hair loss within the first two months. Healthy hair grows about 1cm per month, so it may take up to three months before increased hair growth or decreased hair loss becomes noticeable. Individuals experiencing new growth should see it within four months. Some people may find their original pigmentation comes back. If you stop taking Bio-Fen Plus for Women® completely, your hair growth pattern will slowly go back to the point where you started.

[바이오 펜] 바이오 펜 플러스 포 맨(남성용) 730mg 60정 [Bio-Fen] Bio Fen Plus For Men 730mg 60capsules

How safe is Bio-Fen Plus for Men®? The ingredient combination in Bio-Fen Plus for Men® is generally safe for most adults. However, the following cautions are advised: Consult a health care practitioner prior to use to exclude a diagnosis of prostate cancer, or if you have diabetes. For BPH or elevated blood lipid levels, consult a health care practitioner if symptoms persist or worsen. People sensitive to niacin may experience flushing of the skin that is generally mild and transient. Discontinue use if you experience hypersensitivity to flax, such as an allergy (may occur in rare cases).

[오가니카] 크릴 오일 500mg 90정 [Organika] Krill Oil 500mg 90 softgel


Organika®’s Krill Oil comes to you from the pure and unpolluted waters of the Antarctic Ocean, free of contamination that may affect most other sources of Omega-3. Look forward to a more robust and healthy life with Organika®'s Krill Oil! Guaranteed: No added sugar (sucrose, fructose, lactose), salt (sodium chloride), yeast, wheat, gluten or milk. No preservatives, artificial colours or artificial flavours. · Validated safety and long term stability · No trans fat · No reflux · No heavy metals / no dioxins Direction: (ORAL) ADULTS ONLY: Take 1 to 2 softgel capsules three times per day with a glass of water.

[프로그레시브] 멀티 비타민 임산부용 120정 [Progressive] Multivitamins Prenatal Formula 120 vegetable capsules

    - 건강한 태아의 발달을 돕습니다. - 메스꺼움과 구토 감소 - 모유 수유의 면역 보호 가능성을 홍보합니다. - 뇌, 눈, 신경 및 면역 체계의 적절한 발달을 지원합니다. - 산후 우울증의 위험 감소

[플래티넘] 이지 멀티 쁘래나탈 60정 [Platinum] Easy Multi Prenatal 60 softgels

  • Supports fertility when trying to conceive.
  • Replenishes vitamins and minerals depleted by the added demands on the body of a growing fetus.
  • Reinforces the mother’s immune system at a critical time when she cannot afford to become ill.
  • Enhances the mother’s vitality and combats feelings of exhaustion, low energy and weakness often experienced in pregnancy.
  • Makes up for nutritional shortfalls in the mother’s diet and ensures that the baby has an adequate supply of nutrients.
  • Reduces the risk of low birth weight and improves the quality of breast milk. Contributes to the development of healthy bones and higher bone density.

[플래티넘] 이지 멀티 프리네탈 120정 [Platinum] Easy Multi Prenatal 120 softgels

쁘래나탈/ 프리네탈/ 프에네이탈 A healthy future starts in the womb EasyMulti Prenatal is a comprehensive multivitamin for pregnant, nursing mothers and those trying to conceive. Supplementing with a high quality multivitamin with DHA during pregnancy is important to you and your baby's health. DHA is important for your baby's brain and eye development, as well as their hand-eye coordination. Unfortunately, if you are like most women, you?re probably not getting enough DHA from your diet alone. Suggested Use: Take one softgel daily

[두 마차] 유기농 세컨 하비스트 마차 파우더 80g [Do Matcha] Organic 2nd Harvest Matcha 80g

  • Kosher
  • 100-Percent Authentic Japanese Matcha Grown, harvested and processed using traditional methods
  • Compared to regular steeped green tea, one cup of Matcha is 10 times more potent
  • Only the top youngest leaves are handpicked for DoMatcha's 2nd Harvest grade matcha
  • DoMatcha 2nd Harvest is full of catechins, especially the extremely powerful antioxidants, epigallo catechin gallates-EGCG's
  • High Antioxidants 1384 on the ORAC test Oxygne Radical Absorption Capacity

[프로그레시브] 퍼펙트 프로바이오틱 300억 60캡슐 (2개월분) [Progressive] Perfect Probiotic 30 Billion 60 Capsules

- 300억 활성 세포: 지속적인 일일 직감 건강 - 10종류의 프로바이오틱: 전체 소화 시스템 지원 - 100% 휴먼: 내장 환경에 더 잘 어우러집니다 - 완벽한 프리바이오틱 혼합: 먹이로 좋은 박테리아가 자랄 수 있도록 합니다 - 딜리버리 시스템: 건강한 박테리아가 장에서 생존 할 수 있도록 돕습니다 - TRU-ID® 인증: 모든 프로바이오틱 (probiotic) 종의 존재를 보장합니다. - 장 건강 지원 - 건강한 소화 촉진 - 면역 기능을 도움 * 이제품은 한랭보호(cryoprotection) 처리과정을 거친제품으로 온도에 민감하지 않아 배송시 냉매 포장이 필요 없으며 섭취시 냉장보관 하셔서 드시면 됩니다.

[프로그레시브] 퍼펙트 프로바이오틱 600억 60캡슐 (2개월분) [Progressive] Perfect Probiotic 60 Billion 60 Capsules

- 일일 보호를 위한 600억개의 고효율 활성 세포 - 15종류의 프로바이오틱: 전체 소화 시스템 지원 - 100% 휴먼: 내장 환경에 더 잘 어우러집니다 - 퍼펙트 프리바이오틱 혼합: 먹이로 좋은 박테리아가 자랄 수 있도록 합니다 - 딜리버리 시스템: 건강한 박테리아가 장에서 생존할 수 있도록 돕습니다 - TRU-ID® 인증: 모든 probiotic 균주의 존재를 보장합니다. - 장 건강 지원 - 건강한 소화 촉진 - 면역 기능을 도움   * 이제품은 한랭보호(cryoprotection) 처리과정을 거친제품으로 온도에 민감하지 않아 배송시 냉매 포장이 필요 없으며 섭취시 냉장보관 하셔서 드시면 됩니다.

[콜만] 오가(유기농) 순면(코튼)메이크업 패드(화장솜) 70개 [Organyc] Organic cotton Make-Up Pads 70pcs


유기농 순면 솜메이크업 패드(화장솜) 70개

  • 100 percent organic certified cotton rounds ideal for personal care as well as cosmetics and more
  • Both the cotton rounds and the packaging are made with renewable and sustainable raw materials
  • All packaging and materials are biodegradable and compostable
  • Besides cosmetic and personal care uses these cotton rounds are also helpful for craft projects and pet care or cleaning fragile and hard to reach items and spots
  • High quality rounds with the structural integrity you would expect from German engineering

[플래티넘] 오메가3 슈퍼800 60정 [Platinum] Omega3 Super800 60softgels

-고농축 심혈관 지원
-Molecularly distilled, pharmaceutical grade fish oil(분자 증류, 제약 등급 어유
혈청 트리글리세리드 수치 감소)
-건강한 혈압 지원
-염증 감소
-"나쁜" LDL 콜레스테롤을 낮추고 "좋은" HDL 콜레스테롤을 높입니다.
-지방 저장을 방해합니다.
-인지 기능과 기분을 향상시킵니다.
1일 1소프트젤로 간편하게

[제뉴인헬스] 웨이 프로틴+ 네추럴 바닐라 840g 파우더 [Genuine Health] Proteins+ Natural Vanilla 840g powder

Genuine Health Proteins+ is your premium protein source and provides an excellent source of our exclusive alpha+ to increase lean muscle, improve exercise recovery and support your immune system.   Direction: Mix two scoops (28.3g) of proteins+ in one cup (250 mL) of pure water or juice. Take once daily or as needed.
Supplement Facts
Serving Size: 2 Scoops(28.3 g)
Serving per contains: 29
alpha+™ High Alpha whey protein isolate (cross flow membrane extracted, bovine milk) 28.0 g
Prohydroxy® P enzyme blend 300 mg
Nutritional information: Per 28.3g serving of unflavoured/unsweetened
Energy 110Cal (460kJ)
Protein 25 g
Fat 0.2 g
Carbohydrates 1.8 g
Non-medicinal ingredients: Stevia, lecithin (soybean), natural flavour blend (natural cream flavour, natural creamy vanilla flavour, natural French vanilla flavour).

[제뉴인헬스] 웨이 프로틴+ 네추럴 초콜렛 840g 파우더 [Genuine Health] Proteins+ Natural Chocolate 840g powder

Genuine Health Proteins+ is your premium protein source and provides an excellent source of our exclusive alpha+ to increase lean muscle, improve exercise recovery and support your immune system.   Direction: Mix two scoops (28.3g) of proteins+ in one cup (250 mL) of pure water or juice. Take once daily or as needed.
Supplement Facts
Serving Size: 2 Scoops(28.3 g)
Serving per contains: 29
alpha+™ High Alpha whey protein isolate (cross flow membrane extracted, bovine milk) 28.0 g
Prohydroxy® P enzyme blend 300 mg
Nutritional information: Per 28.3g serving of unflavoured/unsweetened
Energy 110Cal (460kJ)
Protein 25 g
Fat 0.2 g
Carbohydrates 1.8 g
Non-medicinal ingredients: Stevia, lecithin (soybean), natural flavour blend (natural cream flavour, natural chocolate fudge flavour, Cocoa Buds®, cocoa powder).

[와일드페루] 블랙 마카 800mg 90정 [Wild Peru] Black Maca for energy 800mg 90 vegetable capsules


Increase your energy level naturally

Recommended Use
Helps support general well-being and emotional aspects of sexual health. 

Cautions and Warnings
Consult a health care practitioner if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. 
Consult a health care practitioner prior to use if you are taking prescription medication.
Non-Medicinal Ingredients

Maca is Peruvian herb root that is believed to help sexual performance and act as an aphrodisiac. Several research has demonstrated that Maca Root contains a chemical called p-methoxybenzyl isothiocyanate, which has reputed aphrodisiac properties. 

The Spanish conqueror who invaded the area soon got wind of the effectiveness of maca in enhancing the libido that they considered the root crop as valuable as gold they even used it as a medium of exchange. 

Increases energy & stamina 

The Incan warriors took the maca herb before they went to battle to keep their bodies strong and ready for rigorous physical activity. 

Maca is a potent herb that can regulate the endocrine system, which consists of glands that produce hormones necessary for essential body functions. Maca has been found to increase a person'senergy levels, encourage growth and stimulate metabolic functions. 

Fertility enhancement & Hormonal Balance 

Maca Root works effectively for both men'sand women'shormonal imbalances. 

It acts on the hypothalamus-pituitary gland, which produces precursors to male and female hormones, as well as affecting glands. Maca does not stimulate it, but acts in a way to regulator it. Because of this, whether your body is producing too much or too little of a particular hormone, it will balance your system. 

Safe and Effective for Menopausal System. 

Maca is considered an adaptive plant. Maca is capable of normalizing functions in the body even in disease states instead of introducing weak phytoestrongens or chemical hormones into the body, Maca regulates and balances the entire endocrine system. 

[내추럴 팩터스] 마그네슘 150mg 210정 보너스 사이즈 [Natural Factors] Magnesium Citrate 150mg 210 capsules

  • 흡수하기 쉬운 구연산염화 되어있는 마그네슘
  • 건강한 뼈 형성과 유지 도움
  • 칼슘 흡수와 소모 발란스
  • 스트레스와 불안감 감소
  • High-absorption citrate form of magnesium
  • Supports in the formation and maintenance of healthy bone
  • Balances the absorption and utilization of calcium
  • Helps alleviate the symptoms of stress and anxiety

[캔프레브] 프로스테이트 프로+ 마카 서포트 100정 [Can Prev] Prostate-pro + Maca Support 100 vegetable capsules


전립선염에 좋음

Prostate-Pro™ + Maca Support is formulated to help reduce prostate inflammation, for improved urinary flow and enhanced libido.

Prostate-Pro™ + Maca Support is an all natural formulation designed to reduce pros- tate inflammation, improve urinary flow and increase libido. it helps relieve many of the symptoms of prostate inflammation, which can include urination problems and changes in sexual health. Prostate-Pro™ + Maca Support is rich in antioxidants which provide critical support for prostate gland health. it works to safely discourage prostate inflam- mation, normalize urination, balance hormones and enhance circulation which is es- pecially important when the prostate is swollen or congested. Prostate-Pro™ + Maca Support contains natural ingredients with proven positive effects regarding prostate complaints.

Clinical Considerations

 Symptoms associated with BPH (Benign Prostate Hyperplasia)
 Prostatitis symptoms
 The prevention and maintenance of a healthy prostate
 Urinary complaints (frequency, nocturia, dribbling, weak flow)
 Family history of prostate cancer
 Reduced libido


Each capsule contains

Maca extract root 0.6% glucosinolates 375mg
Saw palmetto extract 45% free fatty acids 140mg
Stinging nettle extract 5:1 50mg
Rye pollen extract 20:1 31.3mg
American ginseng extract 20% ginsenosides 30mg
Selenium yeast (0.2% elemental) 25mg
Pygeum africanum extract 15:1 18.8mg
Beta-sitosterols 40% (soy) 15mg
Zinc citrate (30% elemental) 7.5mg
Lycopene 5% (tomato) 375mcg
Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) 100IU

Non-medicinal ingredients: Vegetable-grade magnesium stearate (1%), vegetable capsule.

Directions: Adult men - Take two (2) capsules two (2) times daily with food or as directed by a healthcare practitioner. Take a few hours before or after taking other medications.

[허벌] 비고 750mg 60정 [Herbal] Vigor 750mg 60 veggie capsules

세관통관시 문제되는 제품 유무 체크가 중요함니다.  

[네이쳐스 하모니] 마그네슘 비스글리시네이트 200mg 90정 [Nature’s Harmony] Magneisum Bisglycinate 200mg 90 vegetable capsules

마그네슘 비스글리시네이트는 신체가 탄수화물, 단백질 및 지방을 대사하도록 돕습니다. 뼈와 치아의 발달과 유지를 지원하고 적절한 근육 기능을 유지합니다.

[나카] 마그네슘 비스글리시네이트 150정 (120+30)[Naka] Magnesium Bisglycinate 120 veggie caps (90+30 free)

Naka Magnesium Bisglycinate is a high-quality, highly bioavailable magnesium supplement. Magnesium is needed to metabolize carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, and for healthy bones and teeth, proper muscle function, and overall good health.  Magnesium bisglycinate from Naka lowers blood pressure, supports the heart, nervous system and cellular energy. Magnesium bisglycinate has also show support for muscle cramps, restless leg syndrome, reducing migraines and symptoms of PMS. Benefits:
    • Helps to maintain proper muscle function
    • Helps in the development and maintenance of bones and teeth
    • Helps in tissue formation
    • Helps the body to metabolize carbohydrates, fats and proteins
    • A factor in the maintenance of good health
Directions: Adults and adolescents (9-18 years): 1 capsule per day.

[뉴트리돔] 프리미엄 로얄제리 1000mg 60정 [Nutridom] Premium Royal Jelly 1000mg 60 softgels


What is in Royal Jelly?

It contains a wealth of "good stuff", including Vitamins B1, B2, B6, and niacin, biotin, inositol, folic acid, Vitamin C, aspartic acid , and essential amino acids.

Benefits of Royal Jelly

Enhanced energy, healthier hair and skin, a more youthful appearance, a stronger immune system, and reduced stress levels are just some of the many benefits of royal jelly. Royal jelly promotes health and energy and is also thought to have antioxidant properties that fight damage from free-radicals, which means that it has the potential to prevent everything from aging to cancer. So far, scientists believe that royal jelly is beneficial for the following:

Cancer fighting
Immune System

Canadian Premium Royal Jelly is processed without the use of harmful chemicals.

Suggested Use: 1~2 Softgel Capsules per day, preferably with or after a meal.


[뉴트리돔] 프리미엄 로얄젤리 1000mg 120정 [Nutridom] Premium Royal Jelly 1000mg 120 Softgels

* 권장 용도: 건강 유지를 위한 항산화제. - 에너지 향상 - 건강한 모발과 피부 촉진 - 면역 체계 강화 - 스트레스 레벨 감소

[프로그레시브] 컴플리트 칼슘, 여성 50+ 120정 [Progressive] Complete Calcium, Wome 50+ 120 caplets

Calcium is an essential component of a healthy diet, especially for women over 50. After menopause, it is not uncommon for women to lose up to 5% of their bone mass each and every year. For this reason,Complete Calcium for Women 50+ has been formulated with additional calcium as well as herbal extracts to help balance hormones. Format: Caplets Flavours: N/A Sizes: 60 & 120


  • Promotes optimal bone health
  • Decreases calcium excretion associated with low calcium levels
  • Supports healthy teeth and gums
  • Helps maintain healthy skin
  • Balances estrogen levels
  • Strengthens cardiovascular function
  • Helps relieve arthritis
  • Balances pH
  • Dissolves in 30 minutes for optimal absorption


  • Multiple Calcium Sources
  • CLA, Flax, Red Clover
  • Green Food Concentrates
  • Grape Seed, Silica & D3
  • Apple Cider Vinegar

[프로그레시브] 컴플리트 칼륨, 성인 여성 120정 [Progressive] Complete Calcium, Adult Women 120 caplets

Calcium is an essential component of a healthy diet and plays an important role in keeping bones strong through every season of life. Complete Calcium for Adult Women has been specifically designed to meet your calcium needs as well as preventing loss from elevated homocysteine levels, acidic pH, and stress. Format: Caplets Flavours: N/A Sizes: 60 & 120


  • Promotes optimal bone health
  • Decreases calcium excretion
  • Supports healthy teeth and gums
  • Helps maintain healthy skin
  • Reduces cortisol production
  • Supports immune health
  • Balances pH
  • Dissolves in 30 minutes for optimal absorption


  • Multiple Calcium Sources
  • Green Food Concentrates
  • Wakame & Indole-3
  • Grape Seed Extract
  • D3, Flax & Silica

[베가]스포츠 일렉트로라이트 하이드레이터 베리 148g [Vega] Sport Electrolyte Hydrator Berry flavour 148g



  • Plant-Based
  • Zero Calories
  • Dietary Supplement
  • Prepare • Sustain • Recover
  • Replenish Electrolytes Minerals and Antioxidants
  • Dairy, Gluten & Soy Free
  • Informed-Choice.org
  • Trusted by Sport
  • Tested For Wada-Banned Substances
Good for your body and the planet, Vega is the clean, plant-based choice to fuel your healthy, active lifestyle—without compromise.
Suggested Use
Mix one scoop (0.13 oz.) of Vega Sport Electrolyte Hydrator in 2 cups (16 fl. oz.) of cold water and drink during exercise to sustain efficient muscle function and/or drink throughout the day for optimal hydration. For adult use only.
Other Ingredients
Natural pomegranate and raspberry flavors, citric acid, malic acid, stevia extract, red beet juice powder, silicon dioxide.

[베가]스포츠 프리워크아웃 에너자이저 아사이 베리 540g [Vega] Sport pre-work out Energizer Acai Berry 540g

  • Plant-Based
  • Dietary Supplement
  • Prepare - Sustain- Recover
  • Increase Energy, Endurance and Mental Focus
  • Dairy, Gluten & Soy Free
  • Informed- Choice Trusted by Sport
  • Tested for WADA-Banned Substances
Good for your body and the planet, Vega is the clean, plant-based choice to fuel your healthy, active lifestyle- without compromise. Pre-Workout Energizer Get In The Zone With Energy To Burn
  • Provides immediate and sustained energy
  • Increases endurance aerobic and anaerobic capacity
  • Enhances mental focus
Vega Sport is the fir all-natural, plant-based performance enhancement system specifically developed to help athletes perform at their best-before, during and after training and competition. Vega Sport Pre-Workout Energizer is plant-based dairy, gluten and soy free and contains no artificial flavors, colors or sweeteners. Formulated by Brendan Brazier vegan, professional Ironman triathlete, and bestselling health author on plant-based nutrition.
Suggested Use
(Adult): Mix one scoop (0.6 oz.) of Vega Sport Pre-Workout Energizer in 1 cup (8 fl. oz.) of cold water and drink 20 minutes prior to exercise to enhance athletic and mental performance.
Other Ingredients
Sprouted whole grain brown rice syrup, organic palm nectar, natural blackberry, strawberry, raspberry, acai and pomegranate flavors, citric acid, malic acid, red beet powder.
Caution: Consult a health care practitioner prior to use if you are taking any medication or have a medical or serious underlying condition. Do not use if pregnant or breastfeeding. For adults only. This product is not intended as a substitute for sleep. Store, in a cool dry place away from direct light.

[베가]스포츠 리커버리 액셀러레이터-애플 베리 540g [Vega] Sport Recovery Accelerator- Apple Berry 540g

  • Plant-Based
  • Dietary Supplement
  • Recover
  • Restore Energy, Reduce Inflammation and Support Immune Function
  • Dairy, Gluten and Soy Free
  • Powder
  • Informed-Choice.org, Trusted by Sport, Tested for WADA-Banned Substances
Good for your body and the planet, Vega is the clean, plant-based choice to fuel your healthy, active lifestyle—without compromise. Recovery Accelerator Recharge and Repair So You Can Do It All Again, Sooner
  • Replenishes energy and electrolytes
  • Reduces inflammation, muscle and joint pain
  • Supports immune system function and protein synthesis
  • Reduces recovery time between training
Vega Sport is the first all-natural, plant-based performance enhancement system specifically developed to help athletes perform at their best — before, during and after training and competition. Formulated by Brendan Brazier: vegan, professional Ironman triathlete, and bestselling health author on plant-based nutrition.  
Suggested Use
(Adults): Mix one scoop (0.96 oz) of Vega Sport Recovery Accelerator in 1.5 cups (12 fl oz) of cold water and drink immediately after exercise to enhance recovery process and reduce rest period between workouts.
Other Ingredients
Whole grain brown rice sweetener, natural flavors, citric acid, malic acid, red beet juice powder, stevia extract. Vega Sport Recovery Accelerator is plant-based, dairy, gluten and soy free and contain no artificial flavors, colors or sweeteners.
Cautions and Warnings: Consult a health care practitioner prior to use if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, taking prescription medication, or have a serious medical condition. Do not use if you have had a heart attack/myocardial infarction. For adults only. Some people may experience gastrointestinal discomfort. Do not use if seal is broken. Store in a cool, dry place away from direct light.

[프로그레시브] 오메가 3 +D 성인 120정 [Progressive] OmegEssential+D Adult Formula 120softgels

- 심장 혈관 건강을 지원합니다. - 집중력, 집중력 및 정신력을 향상시킵니다. - 건강한 기분의 균형을 지원합니다. - 면역 기능 강화 - 천식 및 알레르기의 발생을 줄일 수 있습니다. - 염증 감소 - 건강한 피부와 머리카락을 촉진합니다.

[이너씨] 비타민 C 1000mg 드링크 믹스 오렌지맛 30팩 [Ener-C] Orange Multivitamin Drink Mix 30Pakets

Ener-C 비타민 C 음료 믹스는 실제 과일 주스 분말로 맛을 낸 맛있는 발포성 천연 제품으로 인공 향이나 색소가 포함되어 있지 않습니다.

[이너씨] 비타민 C 1000mg 드링크 믹스 레몬라임 30팩 [Ener-C] Lemon Lime Multivitamin Drink Mix 30Packs

Ener-C를 마실 때마다 면역, 수분 공급, 여행 및 일상 활동을 위해 비타민 및 미네랄과 함께 실제 과일을 섭취하는 이점을 누리고 있습니다.

[이너씨] 비타민 C 1000mg 드링크 믹스 복숭아 망고 30팩 [Ener-C] Orange Multivitamin Drink Mix 30Pakets

Ener-C 비타민 C 음료 믹스는 실제 과일 주스 분말로 맛을 낸 맛있는 발포성 천연 제품으로 인공 향이나 색소가 포함되어 있지 않습니다.

[프로그레 시브] 오메가 에센셜 성인용 60정 Progressive Omeg Essential 60 Softgels

  • Supports cardiovascular health
  • Improves focus, concentration and mental acuity
  • Assists with healthy mood balance
  • Strengthens immune function
  • May reduce occurrence of asthma and allergies
  • Reduces inflammation
  • Promotes healthy skin and hair

[오가니카] 고트린 120정 [Organika] Goutrin 120 Caps

고트린은 통풍의 통증과 동반되는 통증과 염증을 완화시키는데 도와줍니다. 혜택: - 갑작스러운 통풍의 원인인 비정상 요산 수치를 내리는데 도와줍니다. - 관절 통증, 뻣뻣함, 염증을 완화시켜줍니다. - 항산화제가 포함되어있는 다섯가지의 활동성 유효성분의 조화로 관절의 산하적 스트레스를 내려줍니다. 하루에 세번 1정씩 물과 함께 복용하세요.   Goutrin helps relieve pain and inflammation associated with Gout.


- Helps lower uric acid levels responsible for gout flare-ups - Helps relieve joint pain, stiffness and inflammation around joints - Combination of 5 potent ingredients containing antioxidants to reduce oxidative stress on joints - Take 1 capsule 3 times a day with food and a glass of water

브라질 아사이 베리 100배 컨선트레이트 농축 200정

브라질 아사이는 브라질 현지에서 수확한 아사이의 영양을 최적화한 최상급의 아사이베리 입니다. - 활성산소 제거로 노화방지 - 블루베리 22배 시력강화 - 콜레스테롤 수치저하 *Rich in Anthocyanins *Detox and Cleanse The Body from Harmful Toxin. *Increase Energy Levels. *Improve Vision. *Acai Berry Is rich in Dietary Fiber *Fight Cancer, Diabetes and Heart Disease. Recommended Dose Adult: 1 Capsule 1 time(s) per day  

[캔프레브] 아연 90 정 Can Prev Iron Bis-Glycinate 20 90 vegetable capsules

  • Iron (iron bisglycinate)20mg
  • Magnesium (magnesium bisglycinate)42mg
  • Vitamin C (ascorbic acid)300mg
  • Vitamin B6 (pyridoxal-5-phosphate)25mg
  • Vitamin B12 (methylcobalamin)400mcg
  • Folic acid (folate)200mcgCopper (copper citrate)35mcg


[플래티넘] 이지 아연 120 정 Platinum easy Iron 120 Liquid Softgels

Signs of iron deficiency: •Fatigue/lack of energy •Irritability •Paleness •Feeing cold when others are not •Difficulty concentrating

[플래티넘] 이지 아연 60 정 Platinum easy Iron 60 Liquid Softgels

Signs of iron deficiency: •Fatigue/lack of energy •Irritability •Paleness •Feeing cold when others are not •Difficulty concentrating

[캔프레브] 멀티 스트레인 프로바이오틱 150억 성인용 60정 [CanPrev] Pro-Biotik 15 Billion 60 Veg Caps


캔프르브 멀티스트레인 프로바이오틱 150억은 비피도박테리아(Bifidobacteria)와 락토바실리(Lactobacili)를 포함한 우리 소화기관 내에 자연적으로 발견할 수 있는 5가지 종류의 이로운 박테리아가 들어있습니다. 각 종류의 박테리아는 소화관 건강을 개선시키며 결과적으로 전반적인 건강을 챙길수 있는 최상의 레벨로 맞추어져 있습니다. 특히나 이 제품은 냉장보관이 불필요한 선반에 보관이 가능한 제품으로 어디서나 언제든지 복용이 가능합니다. 캔프르브 멀티 스트레인 프로바이오틱 150억은 제조당시 400억의 활동성 박테리아를 담고 있으며 유통기한에 다다랐을 때도 150억개의 균들을 포함하도록 보장되었습니다.

복용법: (성인) 식사와 함께 하루에 1-2정씩 복용하거나 전문이의 감독 아래 복용하세요.

CanPrev’s Pro-Biotik™ 15B is a shelf-stable probiotic capsule formula containing five critical probiotic species naturally found in the human intestinal tract, including bifidobacteria and lactobacilli. Each species is represented at optimal levels to enhance the natural gut flora and provide a health benefit. Pro-Biotik™ 15B is completely shelf stable for ease of use anytime, anywhere - no refrigeration is required. At the time of manufacture, CanPrev’s ProbiotikTM 15B contains 40 billion CFU’s (colony forming units - a measure of friendly bacteria activity). By the time it reaches its expiry date it is still guaranteed to have an activity level of 15 billion CFU’s - now that’s impressive! Keep a bottle of ProbiotikTM 15B in your bag, knowing with confidence that you have a probiotic that works for you, wherever life takes you.

Adults - Take 1 or 2 capsules per day with food or as directed by a healthcare practitioner.

내추럴 팩터스 비타민 C 1000mg 90캡슐 Natural Factors, Vitamin C, 1000 mg, 90 Capsules


pH 중립

생물학적 이용 가능성이 높으며 세포에서 더 오래 지속됩니다.

면역 체계 강화

상처 수리 촉진

강하고 건강한 뼈와 치아를 만듭니다.

강력한 항산화

정맥류의 순환 및 외모 개선

위장에 부드럽게

[내추럴 팩터스] 얼티메이트 멀티 프로바이오틱 120억 유산균 120정 [Natural Factors] Ultimate Multi Probiotic – 12 Billion 120 Veg Caps


- 건강하고 균형잡힌 소화기관으로 회복시켜주고 유지하여줍니다.
- FOS가 추가되어 박테리아가 장시간동안 활동할 수 있게 합니다.
- 면역기능을 도와줍니다.
- 질 주변 칸디다 알비칸스(Candida albicans) 이스트 증식에 대응합니다.
- 비뇨기관 감염을 예방하여줍니다.

프로바이오틱 보충제는 살아있는 균을 단시간동안 위장 환경에 노출시켜 자연적인 소화기관 발란스를 유지하고 소화와 면역기능을 개선시킵니다. 내추럴 팩터스 얼티메이트 멀티 프로바이오틱은 호환성과 장 내 위장산으로 부터 견딜 수 있는 힘 등을 고려하여 선정된 여러가지의 프로바이오틱 균을 포함하고 있습니다.

복용법: (성인) 하루에 1-3정씩 복용하거나 의사와 상담하세요.

- Restores and maintains healthy, balanced intestinal flora
- FOS (fructoogosaccharides) added as "food" for bacteria for long-lasting action
- Supports immune function
- Counteracts systemic and vaginal Candida albicans yeast overgrowth
- Prevents urinary tract infec­tions

Probiotic supplementation provides live microorganisms that temporarily modify gut flora, helping to maintain natural intestinal balance, improve digestion and immunity. Natural Factors Ultimate Multi Probiotic contains active cells of a blend of specially cultured strains of probiotics, chosen for their compatibility and ability to survive stomach acidity.

Recommended Adult Does :
1-3 capsules daily or as directed by a health care practitioner.

[리뉴 라이프] 얼티메이트 플로라 크리티컬 케어 프로바이오틱 500억 유산균 30정 [Renew Life] Ultimate Flora Critical Care Probiotic 50 Billion 30 VegCaps

- 매일 복용할 수 있는 강력한 효능의 프로바이오틱을 원하시는 분 - 항생제를 복용하고 있거나 얼마 전 까지 복용하셨던 분 - 만성 소화기관 문제를 가지고 계신 분 얼티메이트 플로라 크리티컬 케어는 락토바실리와 비피도박테리움 둘 다 치료적 특성 레벨의 양이 함유되어 있습니다. 때문에 현재 시중에 나와 있는 프로바이오틱 보충제 중 가장 완전하고 효능이 있습니다. 각 정마다 10가지 이상의 프로바이오틱 종류가 합쳐 500억의 개수로 '하루에 한개' 복용량 (300억 비피도박테리움, 200억 락토바실리와 락토코커스)으로 형성되었습니다. 뿐만아니라 FOS라는 프로바이오틱 균들의 최상의 식품 근원지가 포함되어 프로바이오틱 균이 소화기관 내에 골고루 잘 서식할 수 있도록 도와줍니다. 복용법: (6세 이상 아동과 성인) 하루에 1정씩 복용하세요. 현재 항생제를 복용하고 있을 경우 항생제 복용 2-3시간 전이나 후에 복용하세요. 약 1개월 분 입니다.

[루트어라이브] 유기농 모링가 파우더 228g [Rootalive] Moringa Powder 228 g


건강한 신체에 필요한 필수 아미노산을 
모두 포함하고있어 완전한 음식으로 간주됩니다.

내추럴 팩터스 훼이 단백질 파우더 바닐라 맛 1kg [Natural Factors] Whey Protein Powder Vanilla 1 kg

Whey Factors - highest quality all natural whey protein: No sugar added! No artificial sweeteners! GMO free! BSE & rBGH free! (From cows that have not been treated with growth hormones) Non-denatured, microfiltered pure whey Low in lactose - only 1 g per serving High in protein - 15 grams per serving Rich in glutamic acid and branched-chain-amino-acids (BCAA) Provides beneficial whey protein microfractions including: immunoglobulin and lactoferrin Mixes instantly

[에이오알] 비건 비타민 D 1000 IU 120비건소프트젤 [AOR] Vegan Vitamin D3 1000 IU 120 vsoftgels

  • Sustainably sourced from organic lichen
  • Improves calcium absorption and reduces the risk of osteoporosis
  • Supports immunity and mood balance
  • Maintains optimal health
  • Vegan and softgel

프로그레시브 비타민 C 콤플렉스 60 정[Progressive] Vitamin C 60capsules

빌베리, 케르세틴, 알로에 레스베라트롤 & 포도씨 미네랄 아스코르브산염 아스코르빌 팔미테이트 과일 추출물 강력한 항산화 보호 제공 심혈관 건강 및 면역 기능 지원 건강한 뼈, 관절, 치아 및 잇몸 촉진

프로그레시브 멀티비타민 어린이 60정 [Progressive] Multivitamin Kids 60ChewableTab

야채 및 녹색 식품 전체 과일 농축액 미네랄 구연산염 D3, 아마 및 DHA 아이 친화적 인 맛 적절한 신체 및 정신 발달에 도움 집중력, 집중력 및 정신력 향상 면역 기능 강화 및 항산화 보호

프로그레시브 멀티비타민 50세 이상 여성 60 정[Progressive] Multivitamin Women 50+ 60capsules

심혈관 기능 강화 활력 강화 및 노화 방지 면역 기능 강화 에스트로겐 수치 조절 및 유지 골 소실 및 골다공증 예방 눈 건강 강화 맑고 매끄러운 피부 촉진 건강하고 튼튼한 뼈 건강 도움 편안한 수면 향상

프로그레시브 멀티비타민 50세이상 남성 60 정[Progressive] Multivitamin Men 50+ 60capsules

Supports cardiovascular & prostate health Improves vitality and wellbeing Strengthens immune function Assists in the maintenance of more youthful testosterone levels Supports eye health Promotes clear healthy skin Helps to maintain healthy bones Improves quality of sleep

[프로그레시브] 멀티비타민 성인 여성 60캡슐 [Progressive] Multivitamin Adult Men 60capsules

- 뼈, 심장, 갑상선 및 면역 강화  - 프리 래디컬을 방지하고 pH 균형을 돕습니다.  - 깨끗하고 건강한 피부를 촉진합니다.

프로그레시브 멀티비타민 성인 남성 60 정[Progressive] Multivitamin Adult Men 60capsules

Provides free radical defense Supports cardiovascular health Balances pH Strengthens immune function Supports healthy thyroid function Assists with healthy digestion Promotes clear, healthy skin Helps to maintain healthy bones

프로그레시브 멀티비타민 액티브 여성 60 정[Progressive] Multivitamin Active Women 60capsules

Combats stress and fatigue Increases energy and stamina Replaces lost electrolytes Provides additional antioxidant support Accelerates recovery following exercise Protects your heart Supports healthy thyroid function Strengthens immune function Helps with red blood cell formation Promotes clear, healthy skin

프로그레시브 멀티비타민 액티브 남성 60 정[Progressive] Multivitamin Active Men 60capsules

Combats stress and fatigue Increases energy and stamina Replaces lost electrolytes Provides additional antioxidant support Accelerates recovery following exercise Protects your heart Supports healthy thyroid function Strengthens immune function Helps with red blood cell formation Promotes clear, healthy skin

내츄럴 팩터스 코 큐텐 200mg 120정


면역 체계, 심장기능 강화, 간 및 신장 기능 강화 그리고 항산화 기능



[트래디셔널 메디셔널] 오가닉 로스티드 단델리온 루트티(민들레 뿌리차) Traditional Medicinals Organic Roasted Dandelion Root 16 tea bags

민들레 뿌리차 / 카페인 프리 소화액 분비를 도와, 간을 부드럽게 자극하고 건강한 소화를 돕습니다 위장건강에 도움을 주는 허브티

[트래디셔널 메디셔널] 오가닉 페퍼민트 티 Traditional Medicinals Organic Peppermint 16 tea bags

- 카페인 프리 배를 진정시켜 소화 불량을 완화합니다. 유기농 페퍼민트 성분을 담아 청량감을 더한 허브티